Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
English Spanish

Square root (p. 16) A number a such that a2 = b. Vb is
the principal square root. -V B is the negative square root.


Rai'z c u a d r a d a (p. 1 6 ) Si a2 = b, entonces a es la raiz
cuadrada de b. Vb es la raiz cuadrada principal. - VB es la
raiz cuadrada negativa.
3 and 3 are square roots of 9.

Square root function (p. 642) A function that contains
the independent variable in the radicand.

Funcion de raiz cuadrada (p. 642) Una funcion que
contiene la variable independiente en el radicando.
Example y = V2x is a square root function.

Standard deviation (p. 745) A measure of how data
varies, or deviates, from the mean.

Desviacion tipica (p. 745) Medida de como los datos
varfan, o se desvian, de la media.
Example Use the following formula to find
the standard deviation.

Standard form of a linear equation (p. 322) The
standard form of a linear equation is Ax + By = C, where
A, B, and C are real numbers and A and B are not both zero.

Example 6x-y=12

Forma norm al de una ecuacion lineal (p. 322) La forma
normal de una ecuacion lineal es Ax + By = C, donde A, B
y C son numeros reales, y donde Ay B no son iguales a cero.

Standard form of a polynomial (p. 487) The form of a
polynomial that places the terms in descending order
by degree.

Forma norm al de un polinom io (p. 487) Cuando el grado
de los terminos de un polinomio disminuye de izquierda a
derecha, esta en forma normal, o en orden descendente.
Example 15x3 + x2 + 3x + 9

Standard form of a quadratic equation (p. 561) The
standard form of a quadratic equation is ax2 + bx + c = 0,
where a + 0.

Forma norm al de una ecuacion cuadratica (p. 561)
Cuando una ecuacion cuadratica se expresa de forma
ax2 + bx + c = 0.
Example -x2 + 2x-9 = 0

Standard form of a quadratic function (p. 546) The
standard form of a quadratic function is f(x) = ax2 + bx + c,
where a =f= 0.

Forma normal de una funcion cuadratica (p. 546)
La forma normal de una funcion cuadratica es
f{x) = ax2 + bx + c, donde a ¥= 0.
Example f(x) = 2x2 - 5x + 2

Stem-and-leaf plot (p. 734)
using the digits of the values.

A display of data made by


Diagrama de tallo y hojas (p. 734) Un arreglo de los
datos que usa los dfgitos de los valores.

Number of Points
1 002
2 337 7 8
3 21 5 9 9
Key: 2 3 means 23


Po w er A lg eb r m Glossary 857

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