Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
English Spanish

Theoretical probability (p. 769) The ratio of the number
of favorable outcomes to the number of possible outcomes if
all outcomes have the same chance of happening.
P(event) _ number of favorable outcomes
number of possible outcom es

Probabilidad teorica (p. 769) Si cada resultado tiene la
misma probabilidad de darse, la probabilidad teorica de un
suceso se calcula como la razon del numero de resultados
favorables al numero de resultados posibles.

Pfsuceso) =numero de resultados favorablesnumero de resultados posibles^

Example In tossing a coin, the events of
getting heads or tails are equally
likely. The likelihood of getting
heads is Pfheads) =

Translation (p. 346) A transformation that shifts a graph
horizontally, vertically, or both.

Translation (p. 346) Proceso de mover una grafica
horizontalmente, verticalmente o en ambos sentidos.

= *l y
V >

0 i
y == lX^2 Z

y = \x + 2| is a translation
ofy = |x|.

</ >

Trend line (p. 337) A line on a scatter plot drawn near the
points. It shows a correlation.



Linea de tendencia (p. 337) Linea de un diagrama de
puntos que se traza cerca de los puntos para mostrar una


Trigonometric ratios (p. 645) The ratios of the sides of a
right triangle. See cosine, sine, and tangent.

Razones trigonom etricas (p. 645) Las razones de los
lados de un triangulo rectangulo. Ver coseno, seno, y

Trinomial (p. 487) A polynomial of three terms. Trinomio (p. 487) Polinomio compuesto de tres terminos.

Example 3x2 + 2x - 5

Union (p. 214) The set that contains all of the elements of Union (p. 214) El c o n j u n t o que c o n t i e n e t o dos los
two or more sets. elementos de dos o mas conjuntos.
Example If A = {1, 3, 6, 9} and
B = {1, 5, 10}, then the union
of A and B, or A U B, is
{1,3, 5, 6, 9, 10}.


Po w er A l g eb r m | G l o s s a r y 859
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