Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

correlation. See correlation coefficient
defined, 48
elimination of variables using,
positive, 188
using percents as, 388
defined, 765, 789
notation, 765
Combination Notation, 765
like radicals, 626
like terms, 49
Common Core Performance Task 3, 67,
79, 151, 163, 221, 233, 282, 293,
352, 363, 407, 417, 473, 485, 534,
545, 602, 613, 652, 663, 714, 725,
common difference, 275, 286
common ratio, 467-468
communication. See Reasoning
exercises; Writing exercises
community service, 89
Commutative Property
of Addition, 23
of Multiplication, 23
Compare and Contrast exercises, 33,
56, 64, 112, 120, 167, 174, 210,
218, 271, 297, 327, 333, 340, 348,
357, 376, 383, 386, 489, 501, 520,
549, 563, 570, 574, 579, 599, 623,
673, 687, 690, 710, 735, 756, 765
of an event, defined, 770
of an event, probability of, 770
of a set, defined, 196, 225
of a set, finding, 196
completing the square, 576, 605
complex fraction, 673
compound event, 776, 790
compound inequalities
absolute values as, 209
containing and, 200 , 201
containing or, 202
defined, 200, 225
graphing, 200-203
solving, 200-203
writing, 201-203
compound interest, 461-462
computer, 94, 107, 565
Concept Byte
Always, Sometimes, Never, 37
Analyzing Residual Plots, 595
Characteristics of Absolute Value
Graphs, 351
Conducting Simulations, 775

Designing Your Own Survey, 752
Dividing Polynomials Using Algebra
Tiles, 677
Finding Roots, 567
Graphing Functions and Solving
Equations, 260-261
Graphing Linear Inequalities, 406
Graphing Rational Functions, 713
Inverse of a Linear Function, 329
Investigating y = mx + b, 307
Matrices and Solving Systems,
Modeling Equations With Variables on
Both Sides, 101
Modeling Multi-Step Inequalities, 185
Modeling One-Step Equations, 80
More Algebraic Properties, 184
Multiplying Powers, 424
Normal Distributions, 783
Operations with Rational and Irrational
Numbers, 45
Powers of Powers and Powers of
Products, 432
Rates of Increase, 559-560
Relating Radicals to Rational
Exponents, 447
Solving Systems Using Algebra Tiles,
Solving Systems Using Tables and
Graphs, 370
Standard Deviation, 733
Two-Way Frequency Tables, 760
Unit Analysis, 122-123
Using Models to Factor, 511
Using Models to Multiply, 497
Using Residuals, 344-345
Using Tables to Solve Equations, 59
Writing Quadratic Equations,
concept map, 68 , 152, 222, 283, 353,
408, 474, 535, 603, 653, 715, 786
conclusion, 615
conditional, 615
Conducting Simulations, 775
surface area of, 15
volume of, 160
conjugates, 628, 655
Connecting Big Ideas, 68 , 152, 222,
283, 353, 408, 474, 535, 603, 653,
715, 786
consistent systems of linear
equations, 365-366
constant, 48
constant of variation
defined, 301, 354
for a direct variation, 301
for an inverse variation, 698

constant ratio, 454
continuous graphs, 255-256, 285
converse, 616
Converse of the Pythagorean
Theorem, 616
of rates, 118
of temperatures, 35, 43, 191
of units between systems, 117, 118
of units within a system, 117
conversion factor, 117, 155
converting Celsius to Fahrenheit, 43
coordinate plane
defined, 60
graphing in, 60
coordinates, 60. See also x-coordinates;
correlation, 336, 337, 340
correlation coefficient, 339
cosine, 645, 656
counterexample, 25
Critical Thinking exercises, 482
cross products
of a proportion, 125, 155
of sets, 220
Cross Products Property of a
Proportion, 125
side length of, 414
volume of, 414
cube roots, 22
cumulative frequency table, 734
Cumulative Property
of Addition, 23
of Multiplication, 23
Cumulative Standards Review, 74-76,
158-160, 228-230, 288-290, 358-
360, 412-414, 480-482, 540-542,
608-610, 658-660, 720-722
area of, 502
radius of, 637, 655
volume of, 14, 265, 496

analyzing, 725, 785, 786
bivariate, 754
classifying, 754
collecting, 341, 644, 752, 759
linear, 341
quadratic, 547
qualitative, 753-754
quantitative, 753-754
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