Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

range of, 740-741
real-world, 591
representing, 725, 785, 786. See also
frequency table; graph(s); matrices;
tree diagrams
set, summarizing, 747
surveys, 156, 753-755
univariate, 754
data analysis, 725, 785, 786. See also
mathematical modeling
data collection, 341, 644, 752, 759
Data Collection and Analysis, as Big
Idea, 725, 785, 786
Data Representation, as Big Idea, 725,
785, 786
decay, exponential, 462, 463, 478
decay factor, 462, 478
adding, 24
comparing real numbers containing, 19
and fractions, 802
and percents, 805
in rational numbers, 18
solving equations containing, 97
decrease, percent, 145
deductive reasoning, 25, 90
of a monomial, 486
of a polynomial, 487, 536
like, 684-685
rationalizing, 622, 628
unlike, 685-686
dependent events, 778-779, 790
dependent systems of linear
equations, 365-366
dependent variables, 240, 241, 249,
DEPEND feature, of graphing
calculator, 567
Designing Your Own Survey, 752
draw a, 82
mapping, 268-269
as problem-solving strategy. See draw
a diagram
Venn, 196, 214, 215, 215-217,
216-217, 219, 220
maximum, 147
minimum, 147
direct variation
comparing with inverse variation
700-701, 703

constant of variation for, 301
defined, 301, 354
graphs of, 302-303
identifying, 301
tables and, 303
writing equations of, 302, 303
discrete graphs
defined, 255, 285
identifying, 255-256
discriminant, 585-586, 605
disjoint sets, 215, 226
distance-rate-time problems
finding, 182, 212
rate of change in, 294, 354
Distributive Property
combining like terms using, 49
defined, 46
simplifying expressions using,
solving equations using, 96
solving inequalities using, 188
using for mental math, 48
using to multiply binomials, 498
Dividing Polynomials Using Algebra
Tiles, 677
Dividing Powers With the Same Base,
of algebraic expressions, 440
fraction bar indicating, 47
of fractions, 41, 804
involving zero, 40
as multiplication of reciprocals, 47
of numbers in scientific notation,
of numbers with different signs, 40
of numbers with same sign, 40
of polynomials, 672, 677, 678-680
properties of. See property(ies)
of rational expressions, 670, 672
of real numbers, 40
solving equations using, 83
solving inequalities using,
Division Property
of Equality, 83, 153
of Exponents, 439-441
of Inequality, 180
defined, 268, 286
of function, 268-269, 270-271,
547, 640
reasonable, 270, 455
of square root function, 640
draw a diagram, 4, 5, 82, 216,
219, 264, 500, 502, 508,
564, 763

earth science, 93
economics, 142, 461
in disjoint sets, 215
in intersections of sets, 215
of a matrix, 726, 787
of a set, 17, 194
elimination method
defined, 378
solving systems of linear equations
using, 378-379, 387, 389, 597
solving systems of quadratic equations
using, 597
empty set
defined, 195
disjoint sets as, 215
End-of-Course Assessment, 792-797
equality, properties of. See property(ies)
equal sign, 53
equations. See also absolute value
equations; absolute value functions;
absolute value, 207-209
classifying, 53
containing decimals, 97
containing fractions, 96
with decimals, 97
defined, 53
of direct variation, 301-302
equivalent, 81
finding slopes using, 332
with fractions, 96
of geometric relationships, 241
graphing, 316
with graphing symbols, 104
from graphs, 309
with grouping symbols, 104
of horizontal translations, 348
identity, 104
isolating variables in, 82
linear. See linear equations
of linear functions, 242
literal, 109-111
modeling, 80, 101
multi-step, 94-100
with no solution, 104, 635
one-step, 80, 81-84
of patterns, 248
of perpendicular lines, 332-333
in point-slope form, 316, 317, 325
quadratic. See quadratic equations
in slope-intercept form, 309, 325
solving using addition, 82
solving using deductive reasoning, 90
solving using division, 83
solving using multiplication, 83


Po w erAlg eb Index 929

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