Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

solving using reciprocals, 84
solving using subtraction, 82
solving using the Distributive Property,
in standard form, 324, 325
from tables, 317-318
of trend lines, 338
from two points, 310
two-step, 88-90
with two terms in the numerator, 90
using as a model, 89
using to extend patterns, 63
with variables on both sides, 101 ,
of vertical translations, 347
writing, 54
Equivalence, as Big Idea, 79, 151, 152,
163, 221, 222, 417, 473, 474, 485,
534, 535, 613, 652, 653, 663, 714,
equivalent equations, 81
equivalent expressions
deductive reasoning to solve, 25
defined, 23
writing, 25
equivalent inequalities, 171
greatest possible, 147
percent, 146
relative, 146
Error Analysis exercises, 8 , 1 3 ,2 1 ,2 7 ,
33 , 34 , 44 , 51 , 57 , 73, 86 , 92, 99,
107, 113, 123, 128, 135, 149, 169,
176, 181, 189, 192, 193, 197, 204,
212, 220, 238, 244, 249, 257, 258,
264, 271, 277, 297, 305, 313, 327,
340, 348, 368, 376, 383, 386, 392,
398, 404, 411, 421, 429, 436, 444,
446, 450, 456, 463, 470, 479, 490,
495, 502, 508, 516, 521, 527, 532,
550, 557, 565, 571, 580, 587, 593,
600, 616, 624, 629, 630, 632, 637,
643, 649, 668 , 675, 688 , 690, 695,
704, 710, 719, 729, 737, 742, 749,
758, 761, 772, 773, 780
Essential Questions, 3, 79, 163, 233,
293, 363, 417, 485, 545, 613, 663,
answering, 68 , 152, 222, 283, 353,
408, 474, 535, 603, 653,715,
Essential Understanding, 4, 10, 11, 16,
17, 23, 30, 38, 40, 46, 48, 53, 61,
81, 88 , 94, 102, 109, 116, 124,
130, 137, 144, 146, 164, 171, 178,
186, 194, 200, 207, 214, 234, 240,
246, 253, 262, 268, 274, 294, 301,
308, 315, 322, 330, 336, 346, 364,
372, 378, 387, 394, 400, 418, 425,
433, 439, 448, 453, 460, 467, 486,

492, 493, 498, 504, 512, 518, 523,
529, 546, 553, 561, 568, 576, 582,
589, 596, 614, 619, 626, 633, 639,
645, 664, 670, 678, 684, 691, 698,
705, 726, 732, 738, 746, 753, 762,
769, 776
exercises that use. See Estimation
solutions of equations, 55, 584
square root, 17
using, 788
Estimation exercises, 120, 191, 476
algebraic expressions, 12
defined, 12, 69
exponential expressions, 420
expressions, 12
function rules, 263
functions, 269
identifying solutions of inequalities by,
complement of, 770
compound, 776-777, 779-780
defined, 769, 790
dependent, 778-779
independent, 777-778
mutually exclusive, 776-777
overlapping, 776-777
excluded value, 664, 705
experimental probability
defined, 771
finding, 771
using, 772
explicit formula
for arithmetic sequence, 276
for geometric sequence, 467
exponential decay, 462-463, 478
exponential expressions
evaluating, 420, 437
simplifying, 419-420, 442
using, 420-421
exponential functions
defined, 453
evaluating, 454
graphing, 455
identifying, 454
exponential growth, 460-461, 478
exponential models, 455, 589-591
Exponents, 806
exponents. See also power(s)
base of, 10
defined, 10
division properties of, 439-445, 476
in exponential decay models, 462-463,

in exponential growth models,
460-461, 478
multiplication properties of, 433-438,
multiplying, 433-436
negative, 418-420, 475
rational, 428, 477
simplifying expressions with, 10-12,428
zero, 418-420, 475
EXPREG feature, of graphing
calculator, 595
algebraic. See algebraic expressions
equivalent, 23, 25
evaluating, 12
exponential, 419, 420, 426, 435, 440,
numerical, 4, 69
radical, 619-621
rational, 664-666, 670-672
simplifying, 11, 17, 25, 39, 46-47,
48-49, 619-622, 664-666
square root, 17, 39, 619-622
writing, 12, 25
Extended Response exercises, 230,
267, 290, 300, 360, 369, 405, 414,
431, 482, 503, 542, 566, 610, 638,
660, 712, 722, 782
Characteristics of Absolute Value
Graphs, 351
Matrices and Solving Systems,
Standard Deviation, 733
extraneous solutions, 635, 694
extrapolation, 337, 356

conversion, 117, 155
decay, 462, 478
greatest common (GCF), 493
growth, 460, 461, 478
and multiples, 799
opposite, 665
perfect-square, removing, 620
variable, removing, 620
difference of two squares, 524
by grouping, 529-531
monomials, 493
perfect-square trinomials, 523-524
polynomials, 494, 529
trinomials, 512-514, 518-520,
using models, 511
using to solve rational equations, 692
using with rational expressions, 671
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