Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

addition on, 30
for graphing compound inequalities,
200-201, 203
linear inequalities in one variable
graphed as, 395
modeling with, 30
numbers represented on, 17-18
subtraction on, 30
dividing, in scientific notation,
integers, 17, 18, 324
irrational, 18
multiplying, in scientific notation, 427
natural, 18
negative, 30-31, 38-39, 40, 60,
178-179, 181, 208, 256
positive. See positive number(s)
rational. See rational numbers
real. See real numbers
whole, 18, 180
number theory, 279, 392, 509
numerical expressions
defined, 4, 69
simplifying, 10 , 11

odds, 771
one-step equations, 80, 81-84
Open-Ended exercises, 9, 14, 21, 43,
52, 56, 57, 66 , 86 , 100, 108, 114,
128, 141, 142, 149, 157, 167, 169,
176, 183, 191, 198, 212, 227, 238,
250, 252, 261, 265, 272, 278, 279,
297, 299, 328, 333, 341, 357, 368,
383, 391, 393, 404, 411, 423, 430,
436, 442, 444, 451, 466, 471, 508,
510, 521, 527, 528, 532, 539, 565,
566, 575, 580, 593, 599, 604, 607,
624, 632, 637, 654, 657, 668 , 675,
682, 688 , 695, 711, 719, 729, 750,
761, 772, 773, 780, 781, 791
open sentence, 53
expressions and, 4-5, 10-11
inverse, 82
ordering, 11
with radical expressions, 626-627
Operations With Rational and
Irrational Numbers, 45
opposite factors, 665
opposite reciprocals, 331, 332
defined, 32
of equal numbers, 38
or, compound inequalities containing,
202, 217

ordered pair, 60
of operations, 11
real numbers, 19
terms, 680
order of operations, 11
origin, 60
outcome, 769, 790
outlier, 738
output, 240
output value, 284
overlapping events
defined, 776, 790
probability of, 776-777

axis of symmetry of, 546
comparing widths of, 548
defined, 546, 604
maximum point of, 547
minimum point of, 547
in quadratic graphs, 546-548
symmetry of, 547
vertex of, 547
parallel lines, 330-331, 332
parallelogram, 414
parent functions, 308, 346, 546
as grouping symbol, 11
negative sign before, 47
properties of real numbers indicated
by, 24
patterns. See also sequences
equations representing, 248
estimating solutions using, 55
exponential, 418, 419
extending, 63
and geometric relationships, 240-241
graphing, 63, 248
and linear functions, 240-242
modeling functions using, 589
and nonlinear functions, 246-249
in quadratic functions, 589
in raising powers to a power, 432
representing, 248
rules describing, 6
in sequences, 274, 468
in squares of binomials, 506
tables showing, 63, 248
percent change
defined, 144, 156
minimum and maximum dimensions,
percent decrease, 144-145

percent equation, the, 138-139
percent error, 146-147
percentile, 749
percentile rank, 749
percent increase, 145
percent proportion, the, 137-138
and decimals, 805
and fractions, 805
problems involving, 138-140
using the percent equation to find,
using the percent proportion to find,
perfect square, 17
perfect-square trinomial, 523-526
of hexagon, 304, 414
of rectangle, 110, 187, 413
Perimeter, Area, and Volume, 808
defined, 763
finding, 764, 789
notation, 764
Permutation Notation, 764
perpendicular lines, 331, 332-333,
physics, 169, 205, 271, 306, 311, 444,
463, 551, 565, 618, 642, 682, 699,
704, 711, 718
pi (tt), value of, 160
piecewise function, 348
equations from two, 310
finding slope using, 296
formula for distance between, 110 ,
of intersection of lines, 364
midpoint of a line segment, 114
point-slope form of linear equations,
315-318, 325, 331, 355
polygon, 414
adding, 487, 488
classifying, 487
defined, 487, 536
dividing, 677, 678-681
dividing with a zero coefficient, 679
factoring out, 494
modeling division of, 677
modeling with, 488, 490
in rational expressions, 672
standard form of, 487
subtracting, 487, 489
population, 754, 789
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