Bloomberg Businessweek - USA (2020-12-21)

(Antfer) #1
 FINANCE Bloomberg Businessweek December 21, 2020







THE BOTTOM LINE Regulators have long assumed
large index funds exert little influence on companies
are beginning to question that.

market share by innovating and lowering prices. In
theory at least, an owner of rival companies would
generally prefer they don’t compete forcefully, as
doing so can eat into profits. For example, a 2018
study found that, when the same institutional inves-
tors are the largest shareholders in branded drug
companies and generic drugmakers, the generic
companies are less likely to offer cheaper versions
of the brand-name makers’ drugs.
It’s an idea that not so long ago was on the
fringes of antitrust debates. But it’s become more
prominent along with index fund companies’
growth and increased concern among policy-
makers about monopolies. The funds don’t have
to notify regulators in advance of acquiring a large
number of shares in a company, as is required of
other kinds of investors, such as activist hedge
funds waging proxy battles to gain control.
The FTC proposals might end that exemption.
“It’s untenable to assume we don’t need notice
of acquisitions where either one firm or the same
firms own individually or in the aggregate a signifi-
cant percentage of the voting shares of competitors,”
says Bilal Sayyed, the director of the FTC’s Office of
Policy Planning, who initiated the proposals.
One potential change could require fund fami-
lies to report their aggregated holdings to the gov-
ernment, giving regulators more insight into the
level of common ownership. The bigger worry
for fund companies is buried in a separate, pre-
regulatory notice in which the FTC asks for pub-
lic comment on whether mutual funds should lose
their filing exemption because they engage in a
broad range of activities that fall under the label
“shareholder engagement.” These activities include
communications from funds that nudge portfolio
companies to hold the line on executive pay, lower
carbon emissions, increase workforce and board
diversity, and meet other goals they consider part
of good corporate governance. Fund companies
today point with pride to such efforts.
Mutual funds’ current antitrust-reporting shield,
dating to 1978, was based on the idea that they
bought shares solely for the purpose of investment
and paid scant attention to how companies were
managed. “The exemption is pretty narrow, and it’s
hard to see [how] what the institutional investors
are doing fits into the exemption,” Sayyed says. In
one of its notices on the proposals, the FTC says a
discussion about executive pay could turn into one
about how performance should be measured, delv-
ing into the basic business decisions of a company.
The fund companies say engagements are just
part of taking care of their clients’ money and dis-
pute the possibility that their ownership is harming

competition. Tara McDonnell, a spokeswoman for
BlackRock Inc., says it’s still analyzing the propos-
als. “Our investment and stewardship activities
are guided by our fiduciary obligations,” she says.
A State Street Corp. spokeswoman says that index
funds save investors money and that the proposals
“could have a significant impact on index products
and other types of investment funds and their inves-
tors without a clear benefit.”
Regulatory review could make operating an
index fund more complex. In cases where compa-
nies have to notify regulators of share purchases, the
agencies can request more information, and more
time, to determine if the deal might harm competi-
tion. “They ought to limit outright the amount these
companies can own, but at least a review is worth-
while, because it gives the commission a hook to
ask” if ownership is too concentrated, says Graham
Steele, a senior fellow at the anti-monopoly group
American Economic Liberties Project. He published
a paper in November describing the fund companies
as part of a new “money trust.”
The proposals are in the early stages and could
change, and what happens next may depend on the
views of President-elect Joe Biden. The FTC won’t
vote to scrap or advance either proposal until a
public comment period ends in February, after the
inauguration. The Trump-appointed chairman of
the FTC, Joe Simons, is expected to leave, and the
rest of the commission will be split evenly between
Republicans and Democrats until he’s replaced. But
the politics of antitrust don’t break down on pre-
dictable party lines—there’s been growing interest
in the issue on the Left and the Right.
Index funds could eventually find themselves
caught between the demands of environmental,
consumer, and civil rights groups,whichwant
them to be more accountable for thebehavior of
companies they own, and regulato
who may see activism as a reasonto
end their filing exemption. In a twist,
another part of the FTC’s proposals
would relieve activist funds from having
to report acquisitions of 10% or lessof
company, so long as they don’t alsoho
more than 1% of a competitor. Butwith
out a review exemption, the 1% rulecou
snag index funds, which often holdmor
than that in rival companies. The upshot
that index funds could have less flexibil
than those controlled by corporateraid
—David McLaughlin and Annie Massa

 Percentage of
management proposals
BlackRock voted
against, July 2019 to
June 2020







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