Garde 1 - Read-Aloud Supplemental Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Fables and Stories: Supplemental Guide 7A | The Little Half-Chick (Medio Pollito) 119


  1. In today’s story Medio Pollito says he will dine with the king.

  2. Say the word dine with me three times.

  3. To dine is to eat, usually it means to eat dinner.

  4. Mother says we will dine at 5:30 tonight, and we will dine on spaghetti
    and salad.
    Would you be excited if someone like a king or the president invited
    you over to dine?

  5. Tell your partner what time your family usually dines, or eats dinner.
    Tell your partner what you enjoy dining on, or what kinds of food you
    like to eat. [Call on two students to share what their partner said.]

Purpose for Listening

Remind students that the title of this folktale is “The Little Half-Chick
(Medio Pollito).” Remind students that a folktale is one type of fiction. Tell
students to listen carefully to find out how a chicken got put on a weather

By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

 Demonstrate familiarity with “The Little Half-Chick (Medio Pollito)”

 Describe the characters, setting, and plot of “The Little Half-Chick
(Medio Pollito)”

 Identify that “The Little Half-Chick (Medio Pollito)” is a folktale

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