Garde 1 - Read-Aloud Supplemental Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Fables and Stories: Supplemental Guide 7A | The Little Half-Chick (Medio Pollito) 121

 Show image 7A-3: Medio Pollito leaves for Madrid

One day Medio Pollito strutted up to his mother and made an
announcement: “I am tired of life in this dull barnyard. I am going to
Madrid to dine—or have dinner—with the king.”

[Point to Spain on a world map. Tell students that Madrid is the capital and
largest city in Spain.]
“Madrid!” exclaimed his mother. “Why, that is a long journey, even
for a grown-up. You aren’t old enough to go to Madrid yet. Wait a bit.
When you are a little older, we will go to the city together.”

But stubborn Medio Pollito had made up his mind. He would not listen
to his mother, or to his brothers and sisters, all of whom pleaded—
and begged—with him to stay.

“I am going to Madrid to dine with the king,” he declared. “And when
I get there I will make my fortune—I will make a lot of money—and live
in a big house. Perhaps I will even invite the rest of you to pay me a
short visit sometime.”

With that, he turned and hopped off on his one leg.

His mother ran after him and called out, “Be sure to be kind to
everyone you meet!” But Medio Pollito did not listen. He was in a
hurry and, as usual, was thinking only of himself.

 Show image 7A-4: Medio Pollito at the stream

Medio Pollito hopped on until he came to a little stream of water that
was almost choked with weeds. “Oh, Medio Pollito,” the stream called
out, “please help me by pulling some of these weeds so I can flow

[You may wish to have students repeat the stream’s line with you.]
“Help you?” exclaimed Medio Pollito, tossing his head and shaking
the few feathers in his tail. “Do you think I have time to waste to do
that sort of thing? Help yourself, and don’t bother busy travelers like
me. I am off to Madrid to dine with the king.”

And away he hopped.

[Ask students: “Does Medio Pollito help the stream?” (no)]
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