Garde 1 - Read-Aloud Supplemental Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

122 Fables and Stories: Supplemental Guide 7A | The Little Half-Chick (Medio Pollito)

 Show image 7A-5: Medio Pollito at the fire
A little later, Medio Pollito came to an abandoned fire that some
campers left burning in the woods. “Oh, Medio Pollito,” the fire said,
“please toss some sticks on me so I won’t burn out!”

[You may wish to have students repeat the fire’s line with you.]
“Humph!” said Medio Pollito. “Do you think I have time to waste to do
that sort of thing? Help yourself, and don’t bother busy travelers like
me. I am off to Madrid to dine with the king.”

And away he hopped.

[Ask students: “Does Medio Pollito help the fire?” (no)]
 Show image 7A-6: Medio Pollito at the tree blowing in the wind
The next morning, as he was nearing Madrid, Medio Pollito came
upon a large chestnut tree in which the wind had gotten tangled up.
“Oh, Medio Pollito,” said the wind, “won’t you climb up here and help
me get myself untangled?”

[You may wish to have students repeat the wind’s line with you. Have students
tell their partner what they think Medio Pollito will answer.]
“It’s your own fault for going so high up there,” said Medio Pollito.
“And besides, do you think I have time to waste to do that sort of
thing? Help yourself, and don’t bother busy travelers like me. I am off
to Madrid to dine with the king.”

And away he hopped.

Mid-Story Check-In

  1. Literal Which characters have you met so far?

    • I have met the mother hen, Medio Pollito, his brothers and sisters, the
      water/stream, the fire, and the wind.

  2. Literal Where is Medio Pollito going?

    • Medio Pollito is going to Madrid to dine with the king.

  3. Inferential Do you think Medio Pollito is a nice chick? Why or why not?

    • Answers may vary.
      When he entered the city, Medio Pollito saw the beautiful royal palace.
      [Mention that a palace is where a king lives.]

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