Garde 1 - Read-Aloud Supplemental Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Fables and Stories: Supplemental Guide 7A | The Little Half-Chick (Medio Pollito) 123

He was so excited to meet the king, he hopped right into the
courtyard without hesitation. The king’s cook spotted him and yelled,
“You will make a nice addition to the king’s dinner.”

[Explain that the king’s cook saw Medio Pollito and now wants to cook the
chick for the king’s dinner.]

 Show image 7A-7: Medio Pollito in the kitchen

The cook scooped up Medio Pollito in his hand. He took him back to
the kitchen, and tossed him into a pot of water! Then he set the pot
on the stove.

Medio Pollito was getting very wet. “Oh, water,” he cried, “don’t soak
me like this!”

[Point out that the water is inside the pot.]
But the water replied, “You would not help me when I was a little
stream choking with weeds, so why should I help you now?”

[You may wish to have students repeat the water’s line with you.]
Then the fire on the stove began to heat the water. Medio Pollito felt
very hot. “Oh, fire,” he cried, “don’t cook me like this!”

[Point to the fire.]
But the fire replied, “You would not help me when I was about to burn
out, so why should I help you now?”

[You may wish to have students repeat the fire’s line with you.]
The fire got hotter and hotter. The heat was so unbearable that Medio
Pollito grew more and more desperate to escape. Just then, the cook
raised the lid of the pot to see if the soup was ready.

 Show image 7A-8: The cook tossing Medio Pollito out the window

“What’s this?” said the cook. “I have overcooked the chicken. He is all
blackened and burnt to a crisp. I can’t serve this to the king!”

The cook grabbed Medio Pollito and threw him out the kitchen
window. With a gust, the wind caught him and carried him away so
fast he could hardly breathe.

[Point to the wind.]
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