Garde 1 - Read-Aloud Supplemental Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

128 Fables and Stories: Supplemental Guide 7B | The Little Half-Chick (Medio Pollito)

  1. Let’s put these two sentences together: the reason—the main
    character has only one wing, one leg, and one eye; the result—he is
    called Medio Pollito.
    The main character has only one wing, one leg, and one eye, so he is
    called Medio Pollito.

  2. We will make one more sentence using the word so.
    Does Medio Pollito help the stream? (Medio Pollito does not help the
    Does the stream help Medio Pollito? (The stream does not help Medio

  3. Can you put these two sentences together using the word so? The
    reason—Medio Pollito does not help the stream; the result—the
    stream does not help Medio Pollito.
    Medio Pollito does not help the stream, so the stream does not help
    Medio Pollito.

  4. With your partner think of another reason and result from the folktale
    “The Little Half-Chick (Medio Pollito).” Use the word so to put your
    two sentences together.
    [Examples: Medio Pollito does not help the fire, so the fire does not
    help Medio Pollito. Medio Pollito is in a rush to see the king, so he
    does not help the wind. Medio Pollito became overcooked, so the
    cook threw him out the window. Medio Pollito became a weather
    vane, so people can see which way the wind is blowing.]

Vocabulary Instructional Activity
Word Work: Waste

  1. In the read-aloud you heard, “‘Do you think I have time to waste [to
    help you]?’ [said Medio Pollito].”

  2. Say the word waste with me three times.

  3. If you waste something, you use it carelessly and foolishly.

  4. If you don’t want to waste water, you can turn off the faucet while you
    brush your teeth.

  5. Can you think of things that you try not to waste?

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