Garde 1 - Read-Aloud Supplemental Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Fables and Stories: Supplemental Guide 223

Dear Family Member,

Now your child will hear longer stories with interesting characters and plots. Your child
will enjoy listening to these stories:

“The Little Half-Chick (Medio Pollito),” a Hispanic folktale about a little chicken, with
only one leg, one wing, and half a face, who cares only for himself and would not help

“The Crowded, Noisy House/It Could Always Be Worse,” a Yiddish folktale about a
man who complains about his noisy family, but soon fi nds out that it could always be
worse when he brings animals in the house to live with them.

“The Tale of Peter Rabbit,” a classic tale by Beatrix Potter about a naughty rabbit who
does not listen to his mother and gets into trouble in someone else’s garden.

“All Stories are Anansi’s,” an African folktale about a spider who outsmarts three
larger animals—a python, a leopard, and a hornet.

Below are some activities that you can do with your child at home to help your child
continue enjoying the stories s/he heard at school.

  1. Illustrated by Me

Invite your child to illustrate a cover for one of the stories s/he has heard at school.
Help your child write the title of the story on the top line and have your child write their
own name after the words “illustrated by.” Ask your child what part of the story they have
drawn and why s/he chose to draw that part for the cover.

  1. Story time!

It is important to read to your child. Think of the stories you enjoyed as a child and tell
them to your child.

  1. Sayings and Phrases: Do Unto Others as You Would Have Them Do Unto You

This is also called “The Golden Rule” and means you should treat other people the
way you would like to be treated. Remind your child of this Golden Rule and compliment
your child when you see him/her following the Golden Rule.

I hope you enjoy hearing about the stories your child has learned at school and that
you and your child enjoy many more stories together!


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