Garde 1 - Read-Aloud Supplemental Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Fables and Stories: Supplemental Guide 1A | The Boy Who Cried Wolf 25

But the farmers in the valley, who had been fooled by the boy’s
pranks twice before, thought that the boy was playing the same prank
and was tricking them again. So no one came to help the boy save his

Moral: If you often don’t tell the truth, people won’t believe you even
when you are telling the truth.
Second Read

 Show image 1A-1: Shepherd boy chuckling

There was once a young shepherd boy who tended—or took care
of—his sheep at the foot of a mountain near a dark forest.

[Have a student point to the foot of the mountain in a picture of a mountain and
It was lonely for him watching the sheep all day. The young shepherd
felt all alone. No one was near, except for three farmers he could
sometimes see working in the fields in the valley below.

[Have a student point to the valley in a picture of a mountain and valley. Using
Response Card 1, ask students how the shepherd boy feels about tending the
sheep based on his facial expression. Ask students whether they would feel
lonely, too, like the shepherd boy.]
One day the boy thought of a plan that would help him get a little
company and have some fun. He thought of a way he could have
somebody to talk to.

[Have students tell their partner about the shepherd boy’s plan.]
He ran down toward the valley crying, “! !” (Wolf! Wolf!)

[Ask students whether there was really a wolf.]
The shepherd boy chuckled as the three farmers ran to meet him.

[Ask students: “Why is the shepherd boy chuckling?” Call on three students to
After they found out there was no wolf after all, one farmer remained.
The man stayed to talk with the boy and kept him company for awhile.

The boy enjoyed the company so much that a few days later he
tried the same prank again. He played the same trick and cried out,
“! !” (Wolf! Wolf!)
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