Garde 1 - Read-Aloud Supplemental Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Fables and Stories: Supplemental Guide 1B | The Boy Who Cried Wolf 31

Directions: Today we are going to make sentences using the word so.

  1. We can connect two sentences with the word so to show a reason
    and a result.

  2. [Show Image Card 5.] How does the shepherd boy feel at the
    beginning of the fable? (The shepherd boy feels lonely.) What does he
    do so that he is not lonely anymore? (He plays a prank on the three

  3. Let’s put these two sentences together: the reason—the shepherd
    boy feels lonely; the result—he plays a prank on the three farmers.
    The shepherd boy feels lonely, so he plays a prank on the three

  4. What does the shepherd boy cry? (The shepherd boy cries, “Wolf!
    Wolf!”) How do the three farmers respond? (The three farmers run to
    help the boy.)

  5. Can you put these two sentences together using the word so? The
    reason—The shepherd boy cries, “Wolf! Wolf!” The result—the three
    farmers run to help the boy.
    The shepherd boy cries, “Wolf! Wolf,” so the three farmers run to help
    the boy.

  6. With your partner think of another reason and result from the fable
    “The Boy Who Cried Wolf.” Use the word so to connect your two
    sentences together.
    [Examples: The boy enjoyed the company, so he played the prank
    again. A real wolf came to steal the sheep, so the boy was startled
    and cried, “Wolf!” The farmers thought the boy was playing a trick, so
    they did not help the boy.]

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