Garde 1 - Read-Aloud Supplemental Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

48 Fables and Stories: Supplemental Guide 3 | The Goose and the Golden Eggs

 Describe people, things, or events that give them delight, expressing
ideas and feelings clearly (SL.1.4)
 Add drawings to their description of the word delight (SL.1.5)
 Use frequently occurring conjunction—so—to show reason and result
( L .1.1g )
 Build compound sentences using the conjunction so in a shared
language activity ( L .1.1j )
 Use sentence-level context as a clue to the multiple-meaning word
rock (L.1.4a)
 Sort words into categories, such as greedy and its antonyms sharing
and generous (L.1.5a)
 Identify real-life connections between words—golden, greedy, rock,
and delight—and their use (L.1.5c)

Core Vocabulary
delight, n. Great pleasure or happiness
Example: Going to my grandparents’ house for a visit always brings me
Variation(s): none
golden, adj. Having the color of gold
Example: The leaves of the apple tree turned a golden color in the fall.
Variation(s): none
goose, n. A duck-like bird that lives on or near the water
Example: The goose built a nest near the pond.
Variation(s): geese
greedy, adj. Wanting to have more than you need or deserve
Example: King Midas was a greedy man who wanted lots of gold.
Variation(s): greedier, greediest
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