Garde 1 - Read-Aloud Supplemental Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

68 Fables and Stories: Supplemental Guide 4A | The Dog in the Manger

  • Ask students which animal characters they see in the picture. (an ox
    and a dog)

  • Ask students where they think the setting of this fable will take place.
    How do they know? (The setting of this fable is in a barn on a farm,
    because there is a lot of hay and farm animals sometimes eat in the

  • Give students Response Card 4 (The Dog in the Manger) from
    Instructional Master 4A-1. Have students talk with their partner about
    the difference between how the dog is acting in the first picture
    (sleeping) to how the dog is acting in the second picture (barking).

Vocabular y Preview
 Show image 4A-1: Ox talking to the dog in the manger

  1. The title of today’s fable is “The Dog in the Manger.”

  2. Say the word manger with me three times.

  3. A manger is an open box where hay is put out for animals to eat.
    [Have students point to the manger the dog is sitting on in Response
    Card 4.]

  4. The farmer put fresh hay in the manger for his horses to eat.

  5. What does the manger look like it is made out of? (The manger looks
    like it is made out of wood.)
    Mangers can also be made out of stone and metal.
    What animal is trying to eat from the manger? (The ox is trying to eat
    from the manger.)
    What other animals do you think eat from a manger? [Tell students
    that horses, cows, sheep, goats, and donkeys also eat from a

  6. In today’s fable you will hear that the oxen were hungry after pulling
    the plow all afternoon.

  7. Say the word oxen with me three times.
    Say the word plow with me three times.

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