Kindergarden - Kings and Queens

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Kings and Queens: Supplemental Guide 3A | Old King Cole 77

Word Work: Merry

  1. In the read-aloud you heard, “Old King Cole was a merry old soul.”

  2. Say the word merry with me three times.

  3. Merry means happy. We can use merry to describe someone who is
    happy. We can also use merry to describe an occasion—or something
    that happens—that is happy.

  4. Alvaro was merry on the first day of school.
    During the month of December, you might hear people wishing each
    other Merry Christmas.

  5. If merry means happy, than what do you think is the opposite of
    [Call on a few students to share. Tell students that an opposite of
    merry is sad.]

  6. What’s the word we’ve been talking about? What is its opposite?
    Use an Opposites activity for follow-up. Directions: I am going to name
    some situations that are merry and some situations that are sad. If I say
    something merry, show me a big smiley face and say, “ is merry.”
    If I say something that is the opposite of merry, show me a big frowning
    face and say, “ is sad.”

    1. visiting relatives

    2. getting sick

    3. winning a soccer game

    4. arguing with friends

    5. falling down and hurting your knee

    6. getting a new book

 Complete Remainder of the Lesson Later in the Day

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