Kindergarden - Kings and Queens

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

84 Kings and Queens: Supplemental Guide 4 | Sing a Song of Sixpence

For Presenting the Read-Aloud, cue an audio recording of “Sing a Song
of Sixpence” for students to sing along with. You may also wish to find a
student-friendly video of “Sing a Song of Sixpence.”
For Word Work, find several pictures that are examples of dainty (e.g.,
petits fours, mini-cupcakes, tasty food, ballerina, tea set) and several
pictures that are non-examples of dainty (e.g., construction truck, broken
glass, spoiled food, muddy children). These pictures can be placed onto
a two-column chart to show examples and non-examples of the word.
For the End-of-Lesson Check-In, prepare several questions and/or
statements about the two nursery rhymes, “Old King Cole,” and “Sing a
Song of Sixpence,” so that students can hold up the Response Card(s)
that relate to your statements or answer your questions.
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