Kindergarden - Kings and Queens

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

86 Kings and Queens: Supplemental Guide 4A | Sing a Song of Sixpence

of rye bread and crackers for students to try. Have them make
comparisons between rye bread and white bread.]
Note: Be sure to check with your school’s policy regarding food
distribution and allergies.]

  1. Did you taste a difference between rye bread and bread that you
    usually eat?
     Show image 5A-3: Maid

  2. In this poem, you will hear that “the maid was in the garden, hanging
    out the clothes.”

  3. Say the word maid with me three times.

  4. A maid is a female, or girl, helper who does a lot of the housework
    such as cooking and cleaning.

  5. After the maid washed the king’s clothes, she hung them up to dry.

  6. Tell your partner why the king and queen have a maid. [Call on three
    students to share.]

Purpose for Listening
Tell students they are going to hear a nursery rhyme called “Sing a Song
of Sixpence.” Tell them to listen carefully to hear what happens to the
characters: the king, the queen, and the maid.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
 Demonstrate familiarity with the poem “Sing a Song of Sixpence”
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