Kindergarden - Kings and Queens

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

88 Kings and Queens: Supplemental Guide 4A | Sing a Song of Sixpence

A pocket full of rye,

[Explain that rye is a grain, similar to wheat.]
Four and twenty blackbirds

Baked in a pie.

When the pie was opened,

The birds began to sing;

[Tell students that long ago in England, putting birds in a pie was a fancy way to
celebrate a special occasion.]
Now wasn’t that a dainty dish

To set before the king?

[Explain that a dainty dish is food that looks nice and fancy. Dainty also means
small and pretty.]
 Show image 5A-2: King counting and queen eating
The king was in his counting house

Counting out his money;

[Have a student point to all the gold around the king. Then ask students, “Is this
a rich king or a poor king? Which other king did you hear a story about who
also really liked gold?”]

  • King Midas
    The queen was in the parlour,

[Define that a parlour is a fancy room inside a house where people can sit and
Eating bread and honey.

 Show image 5A-3: Maid
The maid was in the garden,

[Remind students that a maid is a female helper who does housework. Here
she is hanging up the clothes she has washed so they can dry outside.]
Hanging out the clothes,

When down came a blackbird

And pecked at her toes!
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