Kindergarden - Kings and Queens

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Kings and Queens: Supplemental Guide 4B | Sing a Song of Sixpence 93

[Tell students to raise their hands when they hear a word that rhymes with
Eating bread and honey.

[Point out that honey rhymes with money.]
 Show image 5A-3: Maid

The maid was in the garden,

Hanging out the clothes,

When down came a blackbird

[Tell students to raise their hands when they hear a word that rhymes with
And pecked at her toes!

[Point out that toes rhymes with clothes.]

  • Review the rhyming words in this poem: rye/pie; sing/king; money/
    honey; clothes/toes

 Syntactic Awareness Activity
What’s the Better Word? Peck, Poke
Note: Although the focus of this activity is on word meanings,
students will gain practice in syntax as they respond in complete
 Show image 5A-3: Maid

  1. In the read-aloud you heard, “The maid was in the garden, hanging
    out the clothes, when down came a blackbird and pecked at her

  2. When birds peck at something, they use their beaks to quickly and
    tap it, like pecking at the ground for feed or worms.
    [Remind students that they heard about chickens pecking for feed in the
    Farms domain. Have students mime pecking by using their hand as a
    beak to peck at the ground.]
    What did the blackbird do to the maid?

    • The blackbird pecked at the maid’s toes.

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