Kindergarden - Kings and Queens

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

94 Kings and Queens: Supplemental Guide 4B | Sing a Song of Sixpence

  1. Here is another word that has to do with touching something, but it is
    different from peck.
    Poke means to tap or hit hard with your fingers or other objects. For
    example, my friend poked me on the shoulder to get my attention.
    Directions: Let’s practice using these words: peck and poke. First I will
    say a sentence. Then I will give you two words to choose from. If you
    think the first word is the better word, stand up. If you think the second
    word is the better word, stay seated. If I call on you to explain your
    decision, use a complete sentence.

  2. The chickens look for food on the ground. Would you say the
    chickens peck for food or poke for food? (stand up)

    • The chickens peck for food.

  3. My mother gave me a quick kiss on the cheek good night. Would you
    say my mother pecked my cheek or poked my cheek. (stand up)

    • My mother pecked my cheek.

  4. Jillian found a stick that she could use to make a hole in the ground
    with. Would you say Jillian pecked a hole in the ground or poked a
    hole in the ground? (stay seated)

    • Jillian poked a hole in the ground.

  5. Be careful with that rod! I don’t want it to hurt your eyes. Would you
    say the rod might peck your eyes or poke your eyes. (stay seated)

    • The rod might poke your eyes.

  6. The ducks eat the bread crumbs off the ground. Would you say
    the ducks peck the bread crumbs off the ground or poke the bread
    crumbs. (stand up)

    • The ducks peck the bread crumbs off the ground.

 Syntactic Awareness Activity
Sentence Builder
 Show image 5A-1: Blackbirds
Directions: Look at the picture. I will call on you one at a time to say
a short sentence about the picture. Then we will put your sentences
together to make a longer sentence.
Note: There may be variations in the sentences created by your class.
Allow for these variations, and restate students’ sentences so they
are grammatical. Once students have mentioned two ideas, combine
them to make one sentence. See examples below.
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