Kindergarden - Kings and Queens

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Kings and Queens: Supplemental Guide 5A | The Princess and the Pea 105

look at the pictures from the story to become familiar with the story,
see the characters of the story, and make predictions about what
might happen in the story.

  • Tell students that these pictures were drawn by someone—that
    person is called the illustrator.

  • Tell students that this story was written by someone—that person is
    called the author. The author of this story is Hans Christian Anderson.
    You may wish to ask if they have heard other stories written by this
    author: “The Ugly Duckling,” “The Little Mermaid,” “Thumbelina.”

 Show image 6A-1: Prince searching for a real princess

  • Have students point to the prince. Tell students that this prince is
    looking for a princess to marry.

 Show image 6A-2: Prince returns home disappointed

  • Ask students, “Who do you think this woman is?”

    • She is the queen, the prince’s mother.

  • Ask how they know this woman is a queen.

    • She is wearing royal robes and a crown.

 Show image 6A-3: Princess at the door in a terrible storm

  • Tell students that this princess is the third character in this story.

  • Explain that there was a terrible storm, and the princess knocked on
    the castle door.

  • Ask students to predict whether the queen and the prince will let the
    princess in.

Vocabular y Preview

  1. In this story the prince is looking for a real princess to marry.

  2. Say the word real with me three times.

  3. When something is real that means it is true and not made-up or fake.

  4. The king’s crown had real diamonds and rubies on it.
    The prince was not sure if the girls he met were real princesses or just
    acting like they were princesses.

  5. How would you know whether or not a person was a real princess?

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