Kindergarden - Kings and Queens

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

112 Kings and Queens: Supplemental Guide 5B | The Princess and the Pea

Extensions 15 minutes

 Character, Setting, Plot Map (Instructional Master 5B-1)

  • Hold up Image Cards 7–12, in order, as the class describes what is
    happening in the illustrations. Encourage students to use domain
    vocabulary and temporal words such as first, next, then, after that,
    and finally. For the first Image Card, begin retelling the story with the
    phrase “Once upon a time.” Explain that many fairy tales begin with
    this phrase “Once upon a time.”

  • Help students make their own Character, Setting, Plot Map by
    drawing three large circles on their paper. [You may wish to create a
    large Character, Setting, Plot Map on the board and do this activity as
    a class.]

    • Explain that the first circle is “Characters.” Students may cut
      and paste images from the image sheet or draw pictures of the
      characters in this story.

    • The second circle is “Setting.” Remind students that the setting is
      where the story takes place. Students may cut and paste images
      or draw their own picture of the settings. (The setting is the palace,
      including the room where the princess slept, and the room in
      which they had breakfast.)

    • The third circle is “Plot.” Remind students that the plot is what
      happened in the story. Have students think of a scene from the
      story and draw it. (They may use Image Cards 7 – 12 for ideas.)

  • As students complete this activity, have them work in small groups
    or with home-language peers to retell the story. With your help, have
    them attempt to sequence the “Plot” circles drawn by members of
    their group.

TThe Princess and the Peahe Princess and the Pea

5 B

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