Kindergarden - Kings and Queens

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

134 Kings and Queens: Supplemental Guide 6B | Cinderella

 Syntactic Awareness Activity
What’s the Better Word? Stumble, Step
Note: Although the focus of this activity is on word meanings,
students will gain practice in syntax as they respond in complete
 Show image 7A-10: Cinderella running from the ball

  1. In the story you heard, “[Cinderella] turned and, fast as a deer, ran out
    of the ballroom, down a long hallway, then down a long staircase. At
    the foot of the staircase she stumbled; one of her glass slippers fell

  2. When you stumble, that means you trip and almost fall over.
    [Pantomime stumbling.]
    What did Cinderella do on the staircase as she was running away?

    • Cinderella stumbled on the staircase.

  3. Here is another word that has to do with movement, but it is different
    from stumble.
    Step means to move from one place to another by moving your feet
    up and down. For example, Josie carefully and quietly steps across
    the room so she does not wake up her baby sister.
    Directions: Let’s practice using these words: stumble and step. First I
    will say a sentence. Then I will give you two words to choose from. If you
    think the first word is the better word, stand up. If you think the second
    word is the better word, stay seated. If I call on you to explain your
    decision, use a complete sentence.

  4. Marco was not paying attention and he tripped over a small crack in
    the sidewalk. Would you say Marco stumbled over a small crack in the
    sidewalk or stepped over a small crack in the sidewalk? (stumbled/
    stand up)

    • Marco stumbled over a small crack in the sidewalk.

  5. Sarai’s shoelaces are untied, and she almost falls down as she is
    running. Does Sarai step or stumble as she is running? (stumble/stay

    • Sarai stumbles as she is running.

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