Kindergarden - Kings and Queens

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

136 Kings and Queens: Supplemental Guide 6B | Cinderella

 End-of-Lesson Check-In (Instructional Master 6B-1)

  • Hold up Image Cards 13–21 in order and ask the class to describe
    what is happening in each illustration. Encourage students to use
    domain vocabulary and words such as first, next, then, after that,
    and finally. For the first Image Card, begin retelling the story with the
    phrase “Once upon a time.” For the final Image Card, end the story
    with “happily ever after.” Explain that many fairy tales begin with the
    phrase “once upon a time,” and end with the phrase “happily ever

  • Provide each student with Instructional Master 6B-1, a blank piece
    of paper, scissors, and glue or tape. Explain to students that
    this worksheet has pictures of events, or what happened, from
    “Cinderella.” Have students cut out the six pictures.

  • Alternatively, you may wish to choose three pictures (beginning,
    middle, and end) for students to focus on.

  • Next, have them think about what is happening in each picture.
    Students should then arrange the pictures in their correct order to
    show the proper sequence of events. Have students glue or tape the
    pictures on paper once they have been sequenced.

  • As students complete this activity, have them work with their partner,
    in small groups, or with home-language peers to retell the story,
    referring to the sequenced pictures. Encourage them to begin their
    retelling with the phrase “once upon a time” and end with “happily
    ever after.”

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