Kindergarden - Kings and Queens

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Kings and Queens: Supplemental Guide 7B | Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 155

Extensions 15 minutes

Happily Ever After

  • Briefly review Flip Book images of the different fairy tales presented
    in this domain: “The Princess and the Pea,” “Cinderella,” and “Snow
    White and the Seven Dwarfs.”

  • Say to students, “Tell your partner what all three fairy tales have
    in common.” Allow thirty seconds for students to talk. Call on two
    volunteers to share.

  • Point out that the endings of all the fairy tales are similar—the
    princess and the prince live “happily ever after.”

  • Have students choose one of the fairy tales and think of a different
    “happily ever after” ending. [You may need to provide several
    examples of different endings.]

  • Have students draw their alternate ending. Choose a few students to
    dictate what they have drawn. Be sure to read to the students what
    you have written s.
    ➶ Above and Beyond: If they are able, have each student label or write
    a short sentence about his/her pictures.

  • As students finish their drawings, group them into small groups
    according to the particular fairy tale they have chosen, and have them
    share their different endings. Encourage them to make comments
    about how their endings may be similar or different from each other.

Domain-Related Trade Book

  • Refer to the list of recommended trade books in the Introduction and
    choose a fiction text about royalty.

  • Alternatively, you may wish to choose to read another version of
    “Cinderella” or “Snow White,” or another fairy tale by Charles Perrault.
    You might also choose to read an adapted, child-friendly story from
    the collected works of the Brothers Grimm.

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