Kindergarden - Kings and Queens

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Kings and Queens: Supplemental Guide DA | Domain Assessment 161

  1. Palace: The royal family lives in a palace.

    • smiling face

  2. Dwarfs: Dwarfs are very big and tall people.

    • frowning face

  3. Fairy godmother: Fairy godmothers are real.

    • frowning face
      Directions: I am going to read more sentences using other words you
      have heard and practiced. First I will say the word, and then I will use it in
      a sentence. If I use the word correctly in my sentence, circle the smiling
      face. If I do not use the word correctly in my sentence, circle the frowning
      face. I will say each sentence two times.

  4. Spoiled: When something is spoiled; it is ruined.

    • smiling face

  5. Dainty: Dainty things are fancy, small, and pretty.

    • smiling face

  6. Graceful: Bumping into everything as you walk is graceful.

    • frowning face

  7. Announce: When you want to announce something, you whisper it
    softly so no one will hear.

    • frowning face

  8. Stumble: To stumble means to almost fall over.

    • smiling face

 Part II (Instructional Master DA-2)

Directions: Let’s look at each picture in the row and see what story
it represents: “King Midas and the Golden Touch,” “Cinderella,” “The
Princess and the Pea,” and “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.” I am
going to read a sentence about one of the stories to you. Circle the picture
of the story my sentence is about.

  1. Seven characters in this story are dwarfs.

    • Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

  2. The main character in this story was not satisfied with the gold he
    already had.

    • King Midas and the Golden Touch

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