Kindergarden - Kings and Queens

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

164 Kings and Queens: Supplemental Guide CA | Culminating Activites

Exploring Student Resources
Materials: Domain-related student websites
Pick appropriate websites from the Internet or from the websites listed
in the Introduction for further exploration of the fairy tales covered in this
domain keep: “The Princess and the Pea,” “Cinderella,” and “Snow White
and the Seven Dwarfs.”

Videos of Today’s Royal Families
Materials: Short videos or pictures of contemporary royal families
Search the Internet for short videos or photographs of today’s royal
families. Discuss with students how today’s royal families are similar and
different from the royal families they have discussed in the domain.

You Were There: Kings and Queens
Have students pretend to be kings and queens or members of the royal
family. Ask students to use what they have learned to imagine and then
describe what they might see and hear as a king, queen, or member of
the royal family. For example, a student may pretend to be a crown prince
who will one day grow up to be king. Have students think about what
they would need to learn and do in order to be king or queen one day.

Royal Tea Party
Tell students that kings and queens were expected to have perfect
manners at all times. Review basic manners with students, such as
saying please and thank you, and waiting patiently for a turn. Hold a
class tea party in which students can sip water (“tea”) and munch on
treats such as muffins or cupcakes (“crumpets”). Remind students to be
on their best tea party behavior and use good manners.
Note: Be sure to check with your school’s policy regarding food
distribution and allergies.

Kings and Queens Around the World
If you have chosen to do so, wrap up group research on the current royal
family your class has chosen. You may wish to make a big poster about
the royal family to show to the rest of the grade or school.
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