Kindergarden - Kings and Queens

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Kings and Queens: Supplemental Guide 169


Dear Family Member,

Your child will be learning about kings and queens at school. They will learn about the
members of a royal family (king, queen, prince, princess) and the life of a royal family.

Below are some suggestions for activities that you can do at home to reinforce what your
child is learning about kings and queens.

  1. King Midas and the Golden Touch
    You child will hear the story, “King Midas and the Golden Touch” (included with this
    letter). King Midas loved gold so much that he wished that everything he touched would
    turn to gold, and his wish came true! At the end of the story, King Midas realizes that his
    love for his daughter is more valuable than any amount of gold. Have your child retell this
    story using the pictures provided. You can use this story to discuss the importance and
    value of relationships with people over love of gold or money.

  2. Old King Cole
    Enjoy saying or singing their nursery rhyme with your child. Be sure to ask your child
    to teach you the motions to this rhyme!
    Old King Cole was a merry old soul,
    And a merry old soul was he;
    He called for his pipe, and he called for his bowl,
    And he called for his fi ddlers three.
    Every fi ddler had a very fi ne fi ddle,
    And a very fi ne fi ddle had he.
    Oh, there’s none so rare as can compare
    With King Cole and his fi ddlers three.

  3. Read Aloud Each Day
    Reading to your child will help him/her learn to read. The local library or your child’s
    teacher may have a variety of books about kings and queens. Attached to this letter is a
    list of books about kings and queens.

Encourage your child to share with you the wonderful stories and nursery rhymes about
kings and queens s/he has heard at school.
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