Kindergarden - Kings and Queens

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Kings and Queens: Supplemental Guide 1 | The Royal Family 17

Core Vocabulary

advantages, n. Things that are good about a situation or circumstance;
Example: The advantages to having brothers and sisters are that
you always have someone to play with and to help you with your
Variation(s): advantage
crown prince, n. A king’s oldest son who is next in line to be king
Example: Moulay Hassan is a crown prince in the African country of
Morocco because he will be the next king one day.
Variation(s): crown princes
disadvantages, n. Things that are not good about a situation or
circumstance; setbacks
Example: There are disadvantages to being the youngest child, such as
having to go to bed earlier than your brothers and sisters.
Variation(s): disadvantage
kingdom, n. A place ruled or governed by a king or queen
Example: King Eduardo ruled his kingdom with kindness and fairness.
Variation(s): kingdoms
prosperity, n. Having a lot of money, success, or good luck
Example: One could tell that the royal family had enjoyed long periods
of prosperity because their palace was so large and luxurious.
Variation(s): none
reign, n. The period of time during which a king rules a kingdom
Example: King Louis XIV was the longest-ruling king in European
history. His reign over France lasted for 72 years.
Variation(s): reigns
royal, adj. Anything belonging to a king or queen or other members of their
family, such as a prince or princess
Example: The throne is a royal throne because it belongs to the queen.
Variation(s): none
rules, v. Leads and makes decisions
Example: My mom rules our family; I am not allowed to go outside
unless she says it is okay.
Variation(s): rule, ruled, ruling
servants, n. Men or women who are hired and paid to do things that a king
or queen wants them to do
Example: Kings and queens had many servants who did all of the work
around the castle.
Variation(s): servant
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