Kindergarden - Kings and Queens

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

40 Kings and Queens: Supplemental Guide 1C | The Royal Family

A Royal Family Succession
[You may wish to show how the kingship is inherited using King George V as
an example. You can write the names of his predecessors and successors on
the board. Be sure to repeat what you have written. Stress the fact that the king
and queen wanted their children to inherit the throne and become the next king
or queen.]

  • Queen Victoria (She was the granddaughter of an earlier king.)

  • King Edward VII (He was the son of Queen Victoria.)

  • King George V (He was the grandson of Queen Victoria and the
    son of King Edward VII.)

  • King Edward VIII (He was the grandson of Edward VII and the son
    of King George V. He is the crown prince in this picture.)
     Show image 2A-2: Palace in Morocco
    What is this a picture of?

[Call on a student to answer. (This is a picture of a palace in Morocco.) On a
world map, point to the continent of Africa, and tell students that Morocco is a
country in Africa.]
The royal family of Morocco lives inside this palace. A boy named
Moulay Hassan lives in this palace. Moulay is the oldest son of the
king of Morocco.

If Moulay is the oldest son of the king of Morocoo, what does that
make him?

[Call on a student to answer.]
Moulay is the crown prince and will be the next king of Morocco. He
will inherit his father’s crown and position as the king of Morocco.
A Royal Family Succession
[You may wish to show how Moulay Hassan will inherit the kingship. You can
write the names of his predecessors on the board. Be sure to repeat what you
have written.]

  • King Mohammad V (He is the great-grandfather of Moulay.)

  • King Hassan II (He is the grandfather of Moulay.)

  • King Mohammad VI (He is the father of Moulay.)

  • Crown prince Moulay Hassan

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