Kindergarden - Kings and Queens

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Kings and Queens: Supplemental Guide 2 | King Midas and the Golden Touch 47

 Identify multiple meanings of spoiled, and use them in appropriate
contexts (L.K.4a)

 Identify real-life connections between words—gold, treasure, spoiled,
and satisfied—and their use (L.K.5c)

 Distinguish shades of meaning among verbs—gaze, peek, and glare—
and determine which is the better verb depending on context (L.K.5d)

 Learn the meaning of common sayings such as “having the golden
touch” and phrases such as “fond of” (L.K.6)

Core Vocabulary

fond, adj. Having a strong liking
Example: I am very fond of my best friend.
Variation(s): fonder, fondest
gazed, v. Looked at something for a period of time
Example: The family stopped at the side of the road and gazed at the
mountains around them.
Variation(s): gaze, gazes, gazing
satisfied, adj. Happy, pleased, or content
Example: Pablo put the final touches on his watercolor painting and felt
very satisfied.
Variation(s): none
spoiled, adj. Ruined
Example: The milk became spoiled when Enrique left it on the counter
Variation(s): none
treasures, n. Things that are valuable because they cost a lot, such
as gold, or that are valuable because they have a special meaning for
someone, such as a special toy
Example: The pirate spent many days counting his treasures.
Variation(s): treasure
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