Kindergarden - Kings and Queens

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Kings and Queens: Supplemental Guide 2A | King Midas and the Golden Touch 53

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  1. Today you will hear a story about a king who loved gold.

  2. Say the word gold with me three times.

  3. Gold is a precious and valuable metal used to make coins and
    [If available, pass around items made of fake gold.]

  4. King Midas likes to sit in his basement and count his gold.
    Mia’s grandmother has a gold ring.

  5. Think of different things that can be made out of gold. For example, a
    ring can be made out of gold. Each partner gets two turns.

Tre a s u re s

  1. In this story, King Midas puts his treasures in the basement.

  2. Say the word treasures with me three times.

  3. Treasures are things that are worth a lot of money, like gold. Treasures
    can also be things that are very special or valuable to a person, like a
    special toy or a special person.

  4. The pirates found some treasures in a treasure chest.
    Juanita and her little brother are their parents’ treasures.

  5. Tell your partner about some things that are treasures to you, and
    explain why they are treasures to you.
    [Sentence frame: “ are treasures to me because... ” Call on
    three students to share.]

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