Kindergarden - Kings and Queens

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

56 Kings and Queens: Supplemental Guide 2A | King Midas and the Golden Touch

[Say to students: “Tell your partner why King Midas stored his treasure in the
basement and why he locked the door behind him when he went to see his
treasures.” Allow fifteen seconds for students to talk. Call on two partner pairs
to share their answers.]
As he did this, he would whisper to himself, “Oh, rich King Midas,
what a happy man you are!”

[Using a bag full of fake gold coins, act out this line: “Oh, rich King Midas, what
a happy man you are!” Invite a few students to do the same.]
But even as he said this, he felt that he was not quite as happy as he
might be. For no matter how much he had, he always wanted more.

[Say to students: “Tell your partner whether you think the king is really happy
with all his gold or whether he is not happy with all his gold. Explain why.”
Allow fifteen seconds for students to talk. Call on two volunteers to answer and
 Show image 3A-3: King Midas and stranger
One day, as King Midas was enjoying himself in his treasure room,
he looked up and saw a strange young man, who shone with a golden

[Trace the golden glow of the stranger. Mention that when something glows, it
looks like it is shining.]
King Midas knew that he had locked the door so that no one could
get into the room, yet here stood this man. And so, King Midas
thought, the stranger must have some magic power. The stranger had
a kind smile, so King Midas felt no fear.

[Explain that because the stranger looked like a nice man, King Midas was not
Then the stranger spoke to King Midas: “You are a rich man, King
Midas,” he said.

“Yes, I have some gold,” answered King Midas, “but it is not enough.”

“What!” cried the stranger. “You are not satisfied?”

[Explain that the stranger was surprised that King Midas was not happy, even
with all the gold he had already.]
King Midas shook his head.
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