Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Plants: Supplemental Guide 3A | The Life Cycle of a Plant 79

Introducing “The Life Cycle of a Plant”

  • Tell students that in today’s lesson, they will learn about the life cycle
    of a plant.

  • Explain that when something happens in a cycle, it happens over and
    over again.
    Making Connections

  • Ask students to think about what they do every day. Have them
    consider what they do in the morning, afternoon, evening, and

  • A sample student’s daily cycle may be to wake up, eat breakfast, go
    to school, come home, eat dinner, take a bath, and sleep.

  • To make the concept of cycle more concrete, have different students
    stand in a line and act out each part of the daily cycle. After they
    sleep, they wake up in the morning and start the cycle again. Have
    the last student in the cycle loop back to the first student, forming a
    circle. Have students repeat the cycle with you. Be sure to emphasize
    that a cycle is something that happens over and over again.

Vocabular y Preview

  1. You have heard that seeds can be found in the center of a flower.

  2. Say the word seed with me three times.

  3. A seed is the part of a plant from which a new plant can grow.

  4. Antonio and Kai planted sunflower seeds in the soil and waited for
    new sunflower plants to grow.

  5. Tell your partner whether you have eaten seeds before (e.g., sunflower
    seeds, pumpkin seeds, corn, rice, beans). Use the word seeds when
    you tell about it.

 Show image 3A-3: Phases of germination

  1. In this picture, you see a seed that is just beginning to sprout.

  2. Say the word sprout with me three times.

  3. When something sprouts, it begins to grow. Sprout can also mean a
    young plant, like the one in the picture.

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