Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Plants: Supplemental Guide 3B | The Life Cycle of a Plant 89

An adult plant can make seeds.
Eventually the plant will die and decay.
[Have students slowly slouch and fall gently to the ground.]
The decayed plant becomes nutrients in the soil.
The seeds of the plant might become new plants.
[Have students crouch down into a ball.]
A new life cycle of a plant begins!

 Vocabulary Instructional Activity

Word Work: Mature

  1. In the read-aloud you heard, “It takes time for a seedling to grow into
    a full-grown, mature, adult.”

  2. Say the word mature with me three times.

  3. Mature means to become an adult or a full-grown animal or plant. We
    also use mature to describe someone who acts like an adult or acts
    older than they really are.

  4. A mature animal looks different from a baby animal or a young animal.

  5. Can you think of ways that someone or something that is mature is
    different from someone or something that is young or a baby? Use
    the words mature and young when you tell about it. [Ask two or three
    students. If necessary, guide and/or rephrase the students’ responses:
    “A mature is different from a young  because... ”]

  6. What’s the word we’ve been talking about?
    Use a Making Choices activity for follow-up. Directions: I will name
    several things. If what I name is mature, say, “ is mature.” If what I
    name is not mature, but is still young, say, “ is young.”

  7. A seventy-year-old oak tree

    • A seventy-year-old oak tree is mature.

  8. A sapling

    • A sapling is young.

  9. A seedling

    • A seedling is young.

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