Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

92 Plants: Supplemental Guide 3C | The Life Cycle of a Plant

Reviewing the Read-Aloud 10 minutes

What Have We Learned?

  • Ask students the following questions to review content from the

    • What are the beginning of new plants?

    • Seeds are the beginning of new plants.

    • Which plant has a longer life cycle, a sunflower or an oak tree?

    • An oak tree has a longer life cycle.
      Songs and Chants

  • Remind students that they heard about the life cycle of two types of
    plants—a sunflower and an oak tree.

  • Use the Songs and Chants for The Life Cycle of a Plant to review the
    life cycles of a sunflower and a tree. This song can be sung to the
    tune of “I’m a Little Teapot.”
    Note: Prior to singing, you may choose to have students come up
    with motions to represent the different stages in the life cycle of a
    Life Cycle of a Plant
     Show image 3A-11: Life cycle of a sunflower
    Here’s a plant’s life cycle,

First is the seed.

Out germinates a seedling,

More nutrients it needs

To grow to an adult plant

That makes more seeds,

So new plants grow eventually.

 Show image 3A-5: Acorn and oak
Here’s a tree’s life cycle,

First is the seed.

Out germinates a seedling,
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