Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Plants: Supplemental Guide 3C | The Life Cycle of a Plant 95

Presenting the Interactive Read-Aloud 15 minutes

The dialogic factors and instructional conversations within the lesson can
be altered based on the needs of the class and professional judgment.
When making changes, keep in mind the Core Content Objectives for this

The Life Cycle of a Plant
 Show image 3A-2: Seeds
What does the life cycle of a plant begin with?

  • The life cycle of a plant begins with a seed.
    Many plants begin with a seed. Seeds come in all shapes and sizes,
    and the seeds from different plants look different.

Tell your partner if you know the names of any of the seeds in this

[Allow fifteen seconds for students to talk. Call on a few to share their answers.]
Some seeds in this picture include peanuts, pistachios, walnuts, and
pine nuts.

Each seed is a plant waiting to sprout—or to grow.

Seeds are the beginning of new plants. And like all living things, plants
live according to a life cycle.

 Show image 3A-3: Phases of germination
The life cycle of plants begins with the seed. Most seeds have
nutrients inside them so that new plants can survive for a little while.

Tell your partner what seeds need to germinate.

[Allow fifteen seconds for students to talk. Call on two partner pairs to share
their answer.]

  • In order to germinate, seeds must have air, water, and warmth from the
    sun, and nutrients from the soil.
    When a plant first starts to grow from a seed, it looks very different
    from a mature—or adult—plant.^ Baby plants are called seedlings.
    This image shows a plant’s growth into a seedling.

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