Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Plants PP | Pausing Point 105

Student Performance Task Assessment

 Plant Parts (Instructional Master PP-1)
Using Instructional Master PP-1, have students add to the drawing of the
plant stem. Check to ensure they include roots, leaves, and flowers. Walk
around and talk with students about each plant part as they complete the


The Giant Turnip
Materials: Tell It Again! Read-Aloud Anthology for Plants
Read “The Giant Turnip” (Lesson 4 from the Tell It Again! Read-Aloud
Anthology for Plants).
You may choose to have students act out this story.
To review the life cycle of a turnip, you may choose to have students
complete Instructional Master 4B-1 from the Tell It Again! Read-Aloud
Anthology for Plants.

Plant Parts Review
Materials: Various plants; drawing paper, drawing tools
Bring in different plants and ask students to identify the parts.
After talking about plants, have students design and illustrate their own
plant on a piece of paper, instructing them to include all parts of a plant
(root, stem, branch, and leaf). Have students share their drawings and
identify the parts of their plant while sharing. Their classmates may also
want to guess where the parts of that particular plant are located on the

➶ Humans vs. Plants
Compare and contrast human beings and plants. Questions students
may wish to explore: How are plants and humans the same and how are
they different? What do we need to keep our bodies healthy that plants
also need to stay healthy? Record student answers on a Venn diagram.
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