Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

106 Plants PP | Pausing Point

Domain-Related Trade Book or Student Choice
Materials: Trade book
Read an additional trade book to review a particular concept; refer to the
books listed in the Introduction. You may also choose to have students
select a read-aloud to be heard again.

Exploring Student Resources
Materials: Domain-related student websites
Pick appropriate websites from the Internet or from the websites listed
in the Introduction for further exploration of topics already covered in
plants: living vs. nonliving, plants in different environments, plant parts,
life cycle of plants.

Videos of Plants
Materials: Videos of plants
Carefully peruse the Internet for short (five minutes or less) videos related
to topics already covered in this domain.
Prepare some questions related to the videos.
Discuss how watching a video is the same as and different from listening
to a story book or read-aloud.
Have students ask and answer questions using question words who,
where, and what regarding what they see in the videos.

Songs and Chants for Plants
Sing the songs from Lessons 1–3 to review content covered in those

Plant Dramatization
Have students crouch down and pretend that they are a seed.
Have students use their bodies to stretch upward and “grow” into a plant.
Make sure that students talk about what they are doing as they are doing
it. Encourage students to use core vocabulary words like seed, seedling,
roots, flowers, leaves, and stems.
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