Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Plants: Supplemental Guide 4A | Johnny Appleseed 111

  1. Have you been to or seen an orchard before? Tell your partner about
    it. Or, tell your partner what kind of fruit orchard you would like to visit
    one day. Use the word orchard when you tell about it.


  1. Johnny Appleseed did not have a home; instead he wandered across
    the country.

  2. Say the word wander with me three times.

  3. To wander means to move around from place to place.

  4. Jonah likes to wander around the playground during recess.
    Christine’s mother warned Christine not to wander off at the store but
    to stay close to her.

  5. Have you ever wandered off and lost your way? Tell your partner
    about a time this has happened to you. Use the word wandered when
    you tell about it. I will call on a few students to share.

Purpose for Listening

Tell students that they will hear a tall tale about Johnny Appleseed. Tell
them to listen carefully to find out what was the special thing Johnny
Appleseed did that made him famous—or well-known and popular.

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

 Explain that seeds are the beginning of new plants

 Demonstrate familiarity with the tall tale “Johnny Appleseed”

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