Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

116 Plants: Supplemental Guide 4A | Johnny Appleseed

Sentence Frames
Were the apple seeds that
Johnny planted helpful? (Yes/No)

The apple seeds became...

The apple seeds are helpful to
people because...

  1. Evaluative Think Pair Share: How did the apple seeds that Johnny
    planted help people?

  2. After hearing today’s read-aloud and questions and answers, do
    you have any remaining questions? [If time permits, you may wish to
    allow for individual, group, or class research of the text and/or other
    resources to answer these remaining questions.]

Word Work: Hero

  1. In the read-aloud you heard how Johnny got [his] name and why he
    became a hero to many people.

  2. Say the word hero with me three times.

  3. A hero is a very brave person who does important things. The word
    hero is used for boys or men, and the word heroine is used for girls or

  4. A person can be a hero or heroine to one person, like yourself, to a
    small group of people, like your family or neighborhood, or to a larger
    group of people, like a whole country or the whole world.

  5. Tell your partner what you think of when you hear the word hero or
    heroine. [Ask two or three students. If necessary, guide and/or rephrase
    the students’ responses: “When I hear the word hero/heroine, I think
    of... ”]

  6. What’s the word we’ve been talking about?
    Use a Sharing activity for follow-up. Directions: Tell your partner about
    someone who is a hero or heroine to you, your family, or your community.
    How was he or she brave? What important things did he or she do?

  • If necessary, prompt students with some ideas like family members,
    school staff, public figures, etc.

  • Call on a few volunteers to share about their hero or heroine.

 Complete Remainder of the Lesson Later in the Day

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