Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Plants: Supplemental Guide 5 | Deciduous Trees 119

 Identify new meanings for the word sheds and apply them accurately

 Identify real-life connections between words—deciduous, habitat,
sheds, and bare—and their use (L.K.5c)

 Listen to a variety of texts, including informational text such as
“Deciduous Trees”

Core Vocabulary

bare, adj. Without any covering
Example: He walked around the house in bare feet.
Variation(s): barer, barest
deciduous, adj. Losing leaves every year
Example: A deciduous tree starts losing its leaves in autumn.
Variation(s): none
dormant, adj. Not active; asleep
Example: The tree was dormant during the long winter.
Variation(s): none
habitat, n. A place where an animal or plant lives that has food, water, and
Example: A plant that needs a lot of water lives in a habitat where there
is a lot of rain.
Variation(s): habitats
sheds, v. Drops, loses, or separates from something
Example: Our dog sheds hair from his coat wherever he lies.
Variation(s): shed, shedding
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