Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Plants: Supplemental Guide 5 | Deciduous Trees 121

At a Glance Exercise Materials Minutes

Introducing the Read-Aloud

What Have We Learned?


My Plants Pages example of a completed Plant Page

Introducing “Deciduous Trees”
Vocabular y Preview: Deciduous,
Purpose for Listening

Presenting the Read-Aloud Deciduous Trees examples of leaves from deciduous trees^10

Discussing the Read-Aloud Comprehension Questions^10

 Complete Remainder of the Lesson Later in the Day


Multiple Meaning Word Activity:
Sheds Poster 4M (Sheds)


Syntactic Awareness Activity:
Expanding Simple Sentences
Vocabulary Instructional Activity:
End-of-Lesson Check-In

Advance Preparation
Have an example of a completed Plant Page for Lesson 4 available for
students to reference.
For Presenting the Read-Aloud, bring in examples of leaves from
deciduous trees to show students what the leaves of various deciduous
trees look like.
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