Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

122 Plants: Supplemental Guide 5A| Deciduous Trees

DDeciduous Treeseciduous Trees

5 A

Introducing the Read-Aloud 15 minutes

What Have We Learned?
 Show image 7A-1: Johnny Appleseed

  • Review with students domain concepts about what plants need to
    grow in the context of what they heard about Johnny Appleseed.
    Say to students: “Tell your partner what the apple seeds that Johnny
    Appleseed planted would need in order to grow.”

    • The apple seed needs air, food, water, and light to grow.

  • Then encourage students to share where they think the apple seed
    could get those things.

    • The apple gets air from the air around it.

    • The apple seed gets food from the nutrients in the seed, in the
      soil, and through photosynthesis.

    • The apple seed gets water from the water in the soil, from the rain,
      and if someone waters it.

    • The apple seed gets light from the sun.

My Plants Pages

  • Give students their My Plants Pages booklet.

  • Show students an example of completed Plants Page for Lesson 4.

  • Have them turn to next blank page and write the number “4” on the
    bottom corner. Tell students to draw a picture related to Johnny

  • Choose a few students to dictate what they have drawn. Be sure to
    repeat back to them what you have written on their paper.
    ➶ Above and Beyond: If they are able, students may label their

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