Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

136 Plants: Supplemental Guide 6A | Evergreen Trees

EEvergreen Treesvergreen Trees

6 A

Introducing the Read-Aloud 15 minutes

My Plants Pages

  • Give students their My Plants Pages booklet.

  • Show students an example of a completed Plants Page for Lesson 5.

  • Have them turn to the next blank page and write the number “5” on
    the bottom corner. Tell students to draw something they learned
    about deciduous trees. Alternatively, you may choose to have
    students go outdoors and find leaves from deciduous trees and tape
    them onto their Plant Page.

  • Choose a few students to dictate what they have drawn. Be sure to
    repeat back to them what you have written on their paper.
    ➶ Above and Beyond: If they are able, students may label their

  • Have students share their Plant Page with their partner, in small
    groups, or with home language peers. Encourage them to comment
    on each other’s picture. Then direct students to go back to their
    picture and revise it based on your comments or the comments of
    their peers.

Introducing “Evergreen Trees”
 Show image 9A-1: Winter forest

  • Ask students: “What are the two main types of trees?”

    • The two main types of trees are evergreen and deciduous trees.

  • Point to each type of tree in the picture and have students identify
    whether it is an evergreen or deciduous tree.

  • Say to students: “Tell your partner how evergreen trees and
    deciduous trees are different.” Allow fifteen seconds for students to
    talk. Call on two volunteers to share their answers.

  • Remind students that deciduous trees lose their leaves for part of the

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