Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Plants: Supplemental Guide 6A | Evergreen Trees 137

  • Remind students that evergreen trees keep their leaves, even in the

  • Ask students: “Which word in evergreen helps you know that they are
    always green?”

Vocabular y Preview

 Show image 9A-4: Pine needles

  1. The leaves of most evergreen trees are called needles.

  2. Say the word needles with me three times.

  3. Needles are very thin leaves.
    [If available, pass around the examples of needles.]

  4. Explain that the needles on an evergreen tree are different from
    a needle used for sewing, even though they may have similar
    characteristics, such as both are long and pointed.

  5. Describe what the needles of an evergreen tree are like to your
    partner. Use the word needles when you tell about them.

 Show image 9A-7: Tree rings

  1. Every year, a tree adds a new layer of wood.

  2. Say the word layer with me three times.

  3. A layer is something that is on top of something else.
    [Point out the thin layers of wood in the image. Use your hands or
    pieces of paper to show them layered on each other.]

  4. Tirzah’s aunt gave her another layer of clothes to put on because it
    was cold outside.
    Benji likes to add a layer of chocolate to his pancakes for breakfast.

  5. Do you see any layers around the classroom? Use the word layer
    when you tell about it.
    [Provide some suggestions, e.g., layer of books, layer of papers, layer
    of pillows.]

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