Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Plants: Supplemental Guide 6A | Evergreen Trees 143

Use a Te r ms activity for follow-up. Directions: I am going to read a
sentence. If it describes a deciduous tree, say, “That is a deciduous tree.”
If it describes an evergreen tree, say, “That is an evergreen tree.”

  1. The tree in the park has red and yellow leaves in the fall.

    • That is a deciduous tree.

  2. The ground is covered with pine cones that have fallen from the tree.

    • That is an evergreen tree.

  3. In winter, the branches of the tree are bare.

    • That is a deciduous tree.

  4. The tree in our backyard stays green all year long.

    • That is an evergreen tree.

  5. The tree has needles.

    • That is an evergreen tree.

 Complete Remainder of the Lesson Later in the Day

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